The Brain Behind our Brands , Mr. P S Sathish Kumar- Director Marketing and Sales. The Enthusiastic , most creative and innovative Person guiding team towards Scientific Selling moving them from Mere Product selling.
Having 2 Decades experience in pharma , Started career as Medical Representative at Ranbaxy Rajmundry HQ. worked as Group Therapy Manager @ Shield and elevated as Marketing Manager at RPPL in 2020. Joined team Nishe in 2023 as full Time Director.
The Person behind the launch of Myo- Inositol as molecule for Treatment of PCOS and Melatonin in Infertility Treatment. His Tremendous contribution for many successful brands for PCOS and male as well as female Infertility is remarkable and highly appreciable.
Young gentlemen with innovative thinking in identifying new molecules, crafting it into unique therapy based products and supporting it with scientific studies and imparting the complete science knowledge into the minds of the team making them to speak like a Pro in chamber.
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